Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!
Being thankful is all about showing gratitude and being grateful for whatever you have.
One should be thankful for everything that one possesses.
Being thankful and thanking someone always shows that you have respect for someone who helped you.
 Being thankful is also a way of being courteous towards someone who has helped you in some or the other way.
One should not forget any helping hand that renders valuable help to us at some point of time.
You ought to show gratitude for whatever you have.
 Then, one should also be thankful to God for the fact that we have proper health and are physically and mentally fine.
 One should always be thankful to one’s parents for raising us and doing probably everything that they could do for our education and upbringing. 
If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.”
I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving and that there able to enjoy their day!
Your friend
PCP Chair

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